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Viewing post by rpstitz on their home page
The Democrats seem to think that I believe the election was stolen with illegal votes, faulty voting machine software and underhanded practices at the polls. This isn't true. Yes, Trump said the election was a fraud and all of that, but every loser says something and most losers contest the vote. The fact that Trump contested the vote didn't make me think the election was stolen. No, the election was stolen when Youtube, Factbook, Twitter, Google, Apple and Amazon (the libtech) took away free speech. President Trump was silenced, along with everyone else who was trying to tell people about Hunter Biden. That's wnen and how the election was stolen. Now, it's simply a matter of replacing every Republican who turned on Trump, and making sure that the right people win elections. All I can do is exercise my vote and my voice. If we all do that, things will be better. Do I believe that votes were stolen and there were problems with the election? Yes, just like every other election in history. Nothing new here, just higher stakes is all. Yes, we all got really mad and said things that we didn't mean and would never act on. Now it's time to get to work.

rpstitz: Every time I comment on a post it moves up in the news feed. The sorting process seems to be working.
on 02/13/21 07:26:45 am

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