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Viewing post by rpstitz on their home page
Google, Apple and Amazon have tried to take away my voice. I wrote this website several years ago and it's been sitting here ever since as a ghost town. Well Google, Apple and Amazon can kiss my ass because this site is my voice. I wrote all of the code that makes it work, and while it may lack the polish that their sites have, it is mine and not theirs to control. My voice doesn't get any recognition here but that doesn't bother me. I never posted on Facebook or Twitter to get responses, I did it to get things off my chest. This works just as well and won't ever be "improved" without it being my choice so it's really much better for me than Facebook ever was. The only two times I ever tried to sell anything on Facebook they said I broke the rules and took my posts down (a duck painting, they said was a live animal and a pair of shoes mom bought that she should have just took back to the store, Facebook accused me of trying to sell counterfeit shoes) so they haven't really ever been of use to me anyway.


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