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Viewing post by rpstitz on their home page
I just saw where Biden didn't wear his mask TWICE while on federal land after signing an executive order that masks are required at all times while on federal land or in federal buildings. Then his press secretary (who looks very familiar) said the reason was that he was partying on this historic day and that we have more important things to worry about then him not wearing his mask that day. So this means that he nor his press secretary (who may or may not have been stuck in a closet somewhere in the white house since Obama left) are really trying to bring us together. They're still right there shoving it in our faces that he's better than us and we are to do as told, not as we see him do. Who is this supposed to unite? Now to clarify, I normally wouldn't give two shits if someone wore a mask or not because I'm not a crazy fanatic but he is a hypocrite and I do care about that. I'm sick and tired of the elite c*%k su$%^rs that think they're better than everyone else, and they're so convinced of it that they don't even make an attempt to hide it. The reason we love Donald Trump so much is that he's NOT AN ELITE POLITICIAN and he's better at doing their job than they are. He's rough around the edges and doesn't act like a politician because HE'S NOT ONE. We're sick and tired of politicians lying to us and acting better than us and now that we've had a real person in the White House we know that things really CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED if you get the politicians out of the mix. They even went against him and he STILL GOT THINGS DONE. More things, in fact, than any other president. WTF? Don't think for a minute that just because you got rid of Donald J Trump that we aren't going to find more REAL PEOPLE to put in the Oval Office.


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