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Viewing post by rpstitz on their home page
President Trump needs to give his base instructions on who to vote for in the primaries and who the rinos are. We need to take the next 4 years to clean up our party. And then we need to fill the Senate and House with Patriots and make political views protected. Also we need to protect the title "news". Anyone who uses it in their company or show name should have to live up to a certain minimum standard of fairness and honesty or else lose their licenses. And now that we're faced with half of the nation going bat shit crazy, we need to set a standard of what is right and wrong and acceptable behavior, somehow, that is sane and consistent.

rpstitz: By right and wrong and acceptable I'm not trying to tell people how to live. I'm just trying to say we need an authority on what right and wrong are. It shouldn't be up to this week's majority or pop culture. I understand the obvious influence these things have on our view of right and wrong, but it should not be able to shift completely overnight just because some "blm" or whatever they call themselves appoints themselves some kind of authority on my behavior.
on 01/20/21 20:10:39 pm

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