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Viewing post by rpstitz on their home page
I need a javascript programmer that can write a script to watch the contents of the new post input field and take appropriate actions when people type tags. For instance, if I type #thisisatag a link should be created for the tag and clicking it should take the user to a page with a list of every post containing that same tag. If I type @rpstitz it should automatically see the username tag and link my page. When you hit the 'enter' button when typing a message, it just adds blank lines. While this might seem like it could help format a better looking message, the blank lines are removed when the message is posted. Javascript could capture the 'enter' key and activate the click event on the submit button, making it easier to use the website. These changes along with making adding pictures a little easier would be fairly easy to add if I knew javascript or had someone who did, and it would make the site much better.


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