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About Our Photo Galleries

Photo Gallery is a collection of the photo albums of each member, and is available only to members.

When you post a picture on Stitzweb, it's added to your photo album. You also have a separate album just for profile pictures. The Gallery lets you look through your photos as well as those of other members who have chosen to share their album. Photo Gallery adds a comment thread to each picture so members can leave comments for each other and have interactive dialogs as well.

This part of the site is very primitive and basic, and many large photos can't be uploaded for one reason or another. Also, profile pictures work best if they are square or nearly square before uploading, as rectangular photos are automatically chopped off (cropped) with the largest possible square area being taken out of the center of the photo. This may cause important parts of the picture to be lost or cut through. If this happens, you will need to select a different profile picture or manually crop the picture before uploading.